Endorsement: ChangeTN

I would like to thank ChangeTN for endorsing my campaign for re-election in August!

Endorsement: Sierra Club, Harvey Broome Group

I would like to thank the Sierra Club’s Harvey Broome Group for endorsing my campaign for re-election in August!

Tennessee Map of Resolutions Opposing School Vouchers 2023-24

As Governor Lee continues to cozy up to dark money donors and push to de-fund and debilitate our public schools in Tennessee, our school boards, superintendents, county commissions, and other governing bodies across the state have made it clear that this is NOT what the people of Tennessee want and that this is

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Tennessee Capitol Update 3-18-24


Our school board chose not to hear from me regarding important pending legislation during monthly legislative updates – and not to allow YOU to hear from me. Our communities deserve to know about legislation and pending legislation that impacts our public schools – and I will not stop bringing you that information.

Continue reading Tennessee Capitol Update 3-18-24

Voucher Fight – Compass Article

Voucher Fight Looms


Knox County BOE Legislative Priorities 2024

The Knox County Board of Education works for the passage of new laws designed to advance the cause of improving education and for the repeal or modification of existing laws and the defeat of proposed laws that impede this cause. The Board’s current Legislative Priorities list and other information can be found here: https://www.knoxschools.org/board

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3rd Grade Retention Testimony 2023

The testimony below is from the Tennessee House of Representatives Education Committees in 2023.







Knox County BOE Legislative Priorities 2023

The Knox County Board of Education works for the passage of new laws designed to advance the cause of improving education and for the repeal or modification of existing laws and the defeat of proposed laws that impede this cause. The Board’s current Legislative Priorities list and other information can be found here: https://www.knoxschools.org/board

Continue reading Knox County BOE Legislative Priorities 2023

Knox County BOE Legislative Priorities 2022

The Knox County Board of Education works for the passage of new laws designed to advance the cause of improving education and for the repeal or modification of existing laws and the defeat of proposed laws that impede this cause. The Board’s current Legislative Priorities list and other information can be found here: https://www.knoxschools.org/board

Continue reading Knox County BOE Legislative Priorities 2022

Quarantine Exemption Guidelines

A letter sent to the Board of Education members this morning may help community members understand why our local legislators’ push-back against face masks and our governor’s “opt out” order have created more than just chaos. They have created a situation that is causing students and teachers to become ill, isolate, and miss class time

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