Looking for ways to work for better government?
Here are some calls you can make TODAY to make a difference.
The script is short and simple, whether you talk with a staff person or leave a message and the blanks are easy to fill in from the information I’ll list for each bill in the comments
“Good morning. This is [your name] calling to ask [representative or senator name] to vote [Yes or NO] on [House bill number]/[Senate bill number]. [Insert one reason you oppose the bill] and I am asking [representative or senator name] to vote [YES or NO] on this bill.
For the first two, please call House Education Committee members (below) Tuesday, February 25, BEFORE NOON:
HB485/SB517 by Representative Hardaway and Senator Akbari
This is a permissive bill that would authorize school districts and public charter schools to provide up to four days of the required 180 days of classroom instruction via hybrid learning in the event of dangerous or extreme weather conditions, or an emergency, as determined by the director of schools or the director of public charter schools.
HB1383/SB1336 by Representative Harris and Senator Taylor
Additional ask: Please ask Rep. Torrey Harris to withdraw this bill. Bad behavior by an elected body in his district should not be a catalyst for this kind of government overreach – and this does not solve the issue there.
Rep Torrey Harris – (615)741-2239 rep.torrey.harris@capitol.tn.gov
Requires 3 things:
- School board election to be at the same time as other county elections (mayor, clerk, etc. – like we already do in Knox Co.);
- Requires school board elections to be on the same cycle as county commissions – District BOE and commissioner at the same time;
- TERM LIMITS (School Boards are not currently term-limited.)
Will require charter governments to change their charters…
Rep Harris completely failed to mention term limits in his presentation to the subcommittee… and this passed the subcommittee unanimously*The legislature should not impose requirements or restrictions on LOCAL elected officials that they are not willing to first impose on themselves.
*This is a knee-jerk response to a situation with ONE school board – and should be handled locally or through currently available, individual remedies.
Mark White (615)741-4415 rep.mark.white@capitol.tn.gov
Jody Barrett (615)741-3513 rep.jody.barrett@capitol.tn.gov
Charlie Baum (615)741-6849 rep.charlie.baum@capitol.tn.gov
Gino Bulso (615)741-6808 rep.gino.bulso@capitol.tn.gov
Scott Cepicky (615)741-3005 rep.scott.cepicky@capitol.tn.gov
Ronnie Glynn (615)741-2043 rep.ronnie.glynn@capitol.tn.gov
Yusuf Hakeem (615)741-2702 rep.yusuf.hakeem@capitol.tn.gov
Kirk Haston (615)741-0750 rep.kirk.haston@capitol.tn.gov
Tim Hicks (615)741-1717 rep.tim.hicks@capitol.tn.gov
Chris Hurt (615)741-2134 rep.chris.hurt@capitol.tn.gov
Gloria Johnson (615)741-2031 rep.gloria.johnson@capitol.tn.gov
Renea Jones (615)741-7450 rep.renea.jones@capitol.tn.gov
Aron Maberry (615)741-4341 rep.aron.maberry@capitol.tn.gov
Sam McKenzie (615)741-0768 rep.sam.mckenzie@capitol.tn.gov
Jay D. Reedy (615)741-7098 rep.jay.reedy@capitol.tn.gov
Lee Reeves (615)741-1864 rep.lee.reeves@capitol.tn.gov
William Slater (615)741-2534 rep.william.slater@capitol.tn.gov
Robert Stevens (615)741-3830 rep.robert.stevens@capitol.tn.gov
There are two additional actions to be taken regarding dark money in elections. Please make these calls and share with others before 3PM Tuesday, Feb. 25th.
Thanks to “Blountly Conservative” for the graphics.
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